• Member Since 14th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


"The greatest stories are not written, but lived."



You and Twilight have been best friends for the longest time. It was surprising, considering that a literal Princess would ever consider you, the social outcast that you are, a friend. But for that, you were grateful. And you have never been happier than when you were with her, and vice versa.

One afternoon, Twilight approaches you looking all nervous and flustered. Naturally, as her best friend, you want to help in any way you can.

Featured on 7/25/2023 - 7/26/2023!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 25 )

"... I haven't gotten to that part yet." You sigh sadly. "Darn writer's block."

Of been there. Actually there right now

Sequel this deserves a sequel

you can do much better

I suppose your mileage may vary, but in my experience, people say they're not good enough to be in a relationship with someone, are generally right. They have issues that extend beyond mere lack of self confidence. They know it, they've lived with those issues long enough to hide them, and telling you that they're not good enough is a way to warn you off from walking into a minefield without having to directly confront how messed up they are.

Lets say Hypothetically if I asked for a Sequel would you spend some time writing it?

Good to have you back! This is a really good one to post on your way out of hiatus, and whatever lack of story you said you had before (not that ever noticed, you were still writing damn good stories) is gone. I hope you write a sequel to this, it’s really cute! :twilightsmile:

Yeah, if only!
Would that it was me and Twilight...
I expected just another Anon X pony fic. Yet here was a philosophical discussion that makes the reader sit back and think. Sure, your Anon must have issues. but if it were me, I'd have no problem accepting Twilight's feelings towards me. I'd have the same for her, despite the obvious differences of creature type.
Good job! Have a moustache, even if for the concept: :moustache:

Great to see you back

I would very much like to see a sequel

You will never be crushed on by a magical pony princess. Feelsbadman.

Loved this! Short and sweet. If you do make a sequel, I’m sure it’ll be just as good if not better. Good show, fair author. :moustache:

Author's Note:

*crawls out of hiatus to post a new story*

Welp, here it is. I hope my writing was good in this one. I dunno if this deserves a sequel, but if it does, do let me know in the comments. Have a great day, everypony.:twilightsmile:

*crawls back into hiatus*

NO!!! Come BACK! We need a sequel!

Will work on it eventually! :>

I'm glad you think so! My other stories have felt... lacking, in a sense. But I'm glad you enjoy them!


Thankies! A sequel will come along soon enough... Just gotta get them creative juices flowing.

I won't be gone for too long, don't you worry!:raritywink:

If it does get a sequel I’ll sure as hell be there to read it because I absolutely love a good story especially when love is involved.

this reminds me of that time I was dating ben shapiro

I look forward to seeing what you have. :raritywink:

Aww, that was so cute and wholesome.

Now make them KISS! (just kidding)

Oh yeah? How'd that go?

You said it, brother... Gee whizz...

"... and then, spoiler alert: turns out, Dante's mother was the one pulling the strings the whole time. She orchestrated her own murder, and laid hints for Dante to lead him to the truth of his own heritage!"

Wow. That is a deep story.

It deserves a sequel. I love it

So cute cute cute cute cuuuutee!!

Please tell me Anon's not writing DMC!

Fanfic fluff... fanfic fluff... Fanfic fluff!!! :rainbowkiss:

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