• Member Since 30th Nov, 2022
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An Odd Hermit

Just a simple reader trying to be a writer.

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  • 83 weeks
    Fiddlesticks or Mordekaiser in Equestria.

    I've had this idea for a bit now, and I've seen this little trend going around for HiE stuff involving a cosplay, a convention, and a merchant that sends them to Equestria. I absolutely love it.

    A poor hapless cosplayer goes to a convention dressed up as their favorite character, only to get thrown into equestria with that character's body and abilities. It's a neat trope, and I've been considering taking a crack at it myself and giving it my own spin.

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    10 comments · 252 views
  • 83 weeks

    Writers block is NOT fun. I'm on page three writing this chapter, but the words just won't come :fluttercry:

    I'm gonna play some vidyo games and hope that my block clears up.

    3 comments · 95 views

Fiddlesticks or Mordekaiser in Equestria. · 4:46am Dec 23rd, 2022

I've had this idea for a bit now, and I've seen this little trend going around for HiE stuff involving a cosplay, a convention, and a merchant that sends them to Equestria. I absolutely love it.

A poor hapless cosplayer goes to a convention dressed up as their favorite character, only to get thrown into equestria with that character's body and abilities. It's a neat trope, and I've been considering taking a crack at it myself and giving it my own spin.

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Report An Odd Hermit · 252 views ·
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Sure thing! Shoot me a discord friend request and we can get started.

An Odd Hermit#1034

ay, i don't mind giving co-writing a shot. take details to dms?

Marvelous question. Between school and near crippling depression, I haven't had the motivation nor inspiration to write. Until I get a co-writer or two to help jumpstart the workload again, I think it'll be on hiatus.

yo, is there any ETA on the Mordekaiser HIE fic?

Glad to hear, awesome possum!

Hope you enjoy your stay. Always here if you need a friend. 😎

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