• Member Since 5th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Just your Generic Closet brony :)


One of the people I follow got robbed · 10:30pm Apr 22nd, 2015

Help me show them some support?

Report jmlop0 · 543 views ·

No Stories(....maybe.....yet...for now...soon?)


Pour celui qui ne montre aucune pitiƩ, ils reƧoivent aucune contrepartie.
Those who show no mercy, shall recieve none in return.

Comments ( 154 )
  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154

Well, look at that. One of my very first commenters on my very first story here is still hanging around. ECH, SIR.

Thanks for adding Ranger in Equestria to your favorites. it means a lot that you enjoyed it so much

Thank you for the fav!

Thanks for the watch and for faving Deepest Penetrating Sword!

Hey thank you so much for the follow. :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154
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