• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Monday

The Warmaster

Trying to keep up the motivation to write, and am trying to focus my attentions

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2023 update: been a while · 6:35am Sep 1st, 2023

Hello all, is the dead but not dead but still dead author who makes a post or an update once every couple of years and then dips, back at it again.

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Report The Warmaster · 156 views ·
Comments ( 122 )
  • Viewing 118 - 122 of 122

Her name is Laevateinn (or Amane) and she’s from the now defunct mobile game “Phantom of The Kill”.

Who is the woman in your avatar, and where is she from?

Please do not promote stories in my comment section. I shall delete it. Just because I’m about as active as a potato doesn’t mean you can tell people to go read other people’s Stuff here. Have a nice day.

Comment posted by Aramisxx deleted Jul 9th, 2018
  • Viewing 118 - 122 of 122
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