• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013
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150 Followers? When did that happen?! · 1:58pm Apr 27th, 2016

So I'm doing some editing on some stories, and I glance at my followers.

:pinkiegasp: 150 FOLLOWERS?!

:rainbowhuh: When the fuckity did that happen?!

:pinkiehappy: WHO CARES?! 150 FOLLOWERS!

:yay: YAY!!

Thank you for the support guys. For the 55 I've acquired, and the ever faithful ones who have been here since Day 1...(or 10? I can't remember when I got my first follower...)

I shall continue to make the pony words for you all. Next stop in world domination: 200 Followers!!!

Report Zanem-Ji · 492 views ·
Comments ( 53 )
  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53

Hey there!

First off, sorry for the diabolically late response...I haven't been on here in a while!

I had caught it once I opened this up again, and caught that. The one shot is uploaded 😌

is Picnics and Pink Diamonds supposed to be 0 words long?

In that case, would you be possibly willing to take a potential request?

I....have....arisen! Life's been pretty hectic. It still kind of is. But no, I'm not done writing these just yet!

Are you done with fic writing?

  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53
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