• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
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The 4Kids TMNT series is awesome · 1:53pm Aug 24th, 2016

Over the course of the past week, I sort of marathoned all 136 episodes of the 4Kids TMNT series, as well asThe the Mayhem from Mutant Island! special and Turtles Forever (the crossover between that series, the '87 cartoon, and the original comics version of the turtles), and over the course of watching it, I was asking myself one question: How come I didn't watch it sooner?

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Report superfun · 1,415 views ·
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Hello superfun! I have a request from you on my list involving a futa Rainbow Dash but I don't know if that was a new request or if I accidentally wrote a past request twice (The story that became Technicolor Dreamboat), could you let me know? Also, if it's new, I may need a reminder! I apologize if it's awkward to tell me a request again but my list is rather long and it sometimes takes a while to get to a story. Thanks! :)

Thanks for helping write that birthday balloons story with PInkie and RD

It's alright.
And can't wait

Got it, sorry I had to ask for a reminder, I'll start writing ASAP :)

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