• Member Since 8th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 15th

Sharp Spark

Nothing says I miss you quite like war poetry carved in your door with a stanley knife.

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Actually, on the subject of stories in other places... · 1:33am Jan 18th, 2021

So I mentioned before that much of my writing recently had shifted to positive stories with transgender themes. (Perhaps there's something about 2020 and 2021 that really gets me to lean into writing cute fluff, because the world isn't providing a lot of that right now) I'm on a private writing discord with some folks who write similar things, and this past December we did a Secret Santa exchange, where we traded prompts and wrote stories for each other. One thing led to another, and once we

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Comments ( 69 )
  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69

Hey, I have to ask, do you ever intend to continue "The Minuette-ventures of Princess Twilight Sparkle"? That story is so funny!:rainbowlaugh:

I added your collection of stories, Peppermint Tea, to GoodReads' database of books. I hope that wasn't too forward of me. :twilightsheepish:

See the link here.

I swear I'm not normally room temperature IQ (Celsius)! :twilightoops:

Hi, yes, likewise! And you found the right me this time. :rainbowlaugh:

  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69
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