• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


(Previously known as Lunar Night) On a quest to read 10,000 pony stories from this website. Current total as of April 5,2020 is 7,202 stories.


My book of the 4th Printing of Fallout Equestria came today! · 9:44pm Jul 29th, 2019

I'm so happy! And now I can take a trip back down memory lane and read the story that started it all!

I first read the story on April 23,2014

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Current MLP Story/Word Count of the stories I've read as of April 5,2020 (Updates every once in a while) · 3:17am Dec 22nd, 2013

Started updating this since December 21,2013 on FIMfiction

Current MLP Story and Word count as of April 27,2021 (Started reading MLP Fanfics since May 1,2012)
Stories read - 7,203 (7,103 of them from FIMfiction)

Words read - 60,686,610 estimate (some stories I've read don't have word counts)

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Report Flash_Magnus · 5,986 views ·

Comments ( 848 )
  • Viewing 844 - 848 of 848

Thanks for the favorite! I hope you enjoy the story!

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, friend!

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted May 19th, 2020
  • Viewing 844 - 848 of 848
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Stories that I've faved or just stories that were good enough in a way to like and fave anyway.