Only the oldest of ponies remember life when the sun still gleamed in the sky. Now the only lights that shine are the smoggy light pollution of a city only managing to stay warm on the frozen planet because of Sunstone. Mega corporations run everything, tell you what to buy, and set the prices on what you need to live. Technology has grown faster than any could imagine and cybernetics are commonplace.
Jovin Sharpsight, a rather odd pegasus in a tight spot, finds himself in a bit of trouble as the drug he needs to keep himself and his cybernetic limbs functioning is rather costly. With his debts catching up to him he needs to get creative and risky to get himself out of spending the rest of his life mining Sunstone, or worse. Just how much is he willing to lose to get out?
This Universe is based on Ask The Sunjackers, an art story comic by Captain Hoers, all done with their permission, and cover art done by them. Please check out and support the source material for even more information on this world!
Thank you-
Editors: Sorren, Freglz
Prereaders: Marcibel, CyfroStan, Captain Hoers, Midnight Starfall, SkJolty, Wildcard Mask
Is John Whicker a reference to something?
This doesn’t feel like a My Little Pony fanfiction. Outside of a few token mentions of characters’ species, it could really be any dystopian setting. Why do they have the same pop culture as our world?
John Wick. And this is based on the tumblr blog/comic Sunjackers. None of the characters have appeared in this, though they might later on.
Promising start. Let's see where it goes from here.
Very nice!👍
Interesting. Getting a slight Blade Runner meets DXHR vibe from the setting, but with a bit less... despondence. Gonna keep an eye on it.
Shadowrun vibes. And maybe a little Android universe? I like this so far.
Hell of a story concept, that’s for sure!
It could be any dystopian setting. And yes, it is not exactly a spot on MLP universe fanfic. Yet Fallout: Equestria and other spinoffs are quite popular and, most importantly, fun! I hope you find this story to your liking.
Android is one I am not yet familiar with, but aware of. I almost gave it a look see. Glad you like it so far.
I've been compelled by the one-liner at the end, brilliant work over it! I can tell a lot of editing has been done for it.
Ye, pretty good
Incredible read, I love Jovin's spunky personality and I love your style of writing, everything flows.
My attention was captivated throughout the whole chapter.
I am very excited to read what happens next!
Also, great cover art!
Jovin needs more tacos
Are you referencing Atom being hit by a police car?
Well I kinda figured that there was a chance that his first job with Pastel was going to wrong...
eh, I guess I should have seen that coming that Emi would ruin the moment 
Thing is, they got stolen.
Well it seems like Jovin and Emi can sorta work together now after what they just went through, sorta anyway. Maybe there will be less abuse towards Jovin from now on... probably not since it is Emi after all
I'm starting to like her a lot.
Oh I'm sure her accent isn't that bad!
I bet you Emi develops a shock kink out of this.
Why I do believe they had sex

I can totally see the puppy dog eyes with pouty lips working on someone his size easily
Slams table
Jovin definitely got smooched, don't lie to me!
Well this is an interesting story so fare I am enjoying it at least and I do find that that debt collector and the debtor becoming friends of sort is hilarious to me. Now I wonder what will become the true plot of the story. Keep it up.
You are making me like all of your characters

Always fun when you find out your old buddy became something that scares even hardened criminals.
If the main OCs in this story had voice actors, who would they be?
Oooh, that is a mix of easy and hard I think. Jovin I haven't had a lot of good voices to imagine him as other than a slightly gruffer Rainbow Dash, Raven Quill would be Michael Fassbender. Buck is more a deep rumbly voiced kind of guy, and the others I haven't figured out yet. Emi would be an absolute mess
"Hey buddy, long time no see? Whats up?"
"Oh nothiing, just shanking ponies."
Quill is someone's husbando? Oh no. Now I have to get more art of him.
Much Shadowrun
Very Cyberpunk
Tracking this one.
Interesting coverart and premise. Think I'll be following this one closely.
Oh hey, my shortest chapter. Oh hey, one year anniversary! Wooo. Sorry it took so long. The good ole 'rona sucks!
You know, you could rewrite this to be humans instead of ponies, and then sell it for big cash dollars. I'd buy a copy.
Shadowrun and Blade Runner would want a word.
Ha! So worth it!
Well things got way more interesting
and sweet one year! 
Nice to see an update on this story, sorry for missing the last two chapters, I was very busy. so far I see a lot of improvement in the quality of your story, keep it up.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.
I really loved this story. Really unfortunate that it's not updating.
But life happens. Hope all is well.