• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen June 22nd



Farming for opinions · 2:31am Jan 29th, 2016

Well guys, I finally have a computer again, meaning I can get back to writing. Right now, I'm trying to focus on continuing A Turn of Events. My question for you guys: where would you like to see the story go from here?

Report Shadow_Fire · 340 views · Story: A Turn of Events ·

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Comments ( 74 )
  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74

I appreciate the fave on "'Cause I Like You, Silly!". Thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you. It always makes me smile when someone says that. :twilightsmile:

2342728 I can't help it, you write very well

Our paths have crossed once again it would seem.

Thank you for the fave on My Office. Now. :trollestia:

Thanks for the favorite on Asking For The Moon

  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74
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