• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


A somewhat well known author, who is also well known for his inconsistent upload schedule. (My Patreon!)

Expect a lot of my romance stories to have marefriends like this!

Which in simple terms, amounts to this type of possessive behavior

You've been warned

Story Art By - ImAbronyFagg

This page is dedicated to a rather brilliant chap who has created some wonderful art for my story, Mated For Life.

As he creates more, I shall update this section with each drawing he does.

Click here to go directly to his user page.

Mated For Life #1
And here we have a scene from the story. Chrissy is disguised as Celestia, facing a very hateful Richard who, in his fury, cannot see her for who she is.

Mated For Life #2
A portrait of both Richard and Chrissy.


Small Snippet For Next MFL Chapter! · 11:53pm Jul 20th, 2023

"You'll wait here and be grateful that I find no cause for you to have an accident creature," she said, sneering.

I didn't know if it was instinct or a mixture of my newfound magic or...or something else.

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Report Zamairiac · 904 views · Story: Mated For Life ·

My Stories

Why Do I Write?

I write because it allows me to break free from the confining chains of reality.

I write because once I get myself into my imaginative flow, I just can't stop...I can't think of anything but the story of which I am writing, painting and creating.

Romance nowadays is a rare and precious thing...tainted by the harsh truth of reality.

But when I write about it, when I describe the emotions and sensations of love, lust and passion...

There's nothing in reality that can even compare...

Sometimes I struggle to think of how to continue.

Sometimes I wonder if it would be better for me to just give up, to surrender and let reality drag me down and chain me to it forever.

But then I remember why I write. I remember how it feels to finally upload a chapter that I'd been working on for days.

I remember every person who commented on said chapter. Who complimented, criticized, liked and disliked.

Sometimes I wonder if I've done a good job...sometimes I let it get to me and I feel quite empty.

But then you guys come out and save me...and I remember why I write.

Because even after everything I've written here...the reason I write isn't for me.

It's for you :)

Comments ( 539 )
  • Viewing 530 - 539 of 539

bro 😭 😭

I buss to all your stories

i wonder if You still visit this place
Like , how do i see when was the last time You were online:trixieshiftleft:

I am glad you are going to continue Mated For Life it was one of the first stories I read back in late 2020 when Covid started and I could be free of school I love your stories and hope you finish all of them and give us more.

I hope you continue all your other stories. Shit I saw a story not to long ago called Cabin of Love. It's on here. Got me thinking like what if there was a story where a colt was adopted by royalty *hint* *hint* and had 3 sisters (celestia, luna and cadance.......yes I made that part up) ends up living with them and sees them as best friends/sisters. But they want something more and are very possessive of said colt. Of course the characters would have to age a bit. I don't know just a dumb idea that I thought would be cool. Anyways hope to see you writing again ttyl.

Hello, Zamairiac; I hope you are doing well. I thank you for writing the catalog of stories that you have, even if a few of the especially good ones are either dead or on an indefinite hiatus. In any such case, I thank you, sir.

Have you watched Marvel's Moon 🌙 Knight? (Sound like your story to Alexander/ Xander Pentagast "Mirror Image" )

Maybe this will get your Moja running ;D

First comment of 2022?

YOU NEED SOME BONK!:pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 530 - 539 of 539
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