Protect Celestia 1,960 members · 1,770 stories

This a group dedicated to preservation and appreciation of Princess Celestia. And I mean the real Celestia, not those memes based ones or the products of demented minds.

That means any story that is posted here should not be based off any of the memes, so no Tyrant!Celestia, Molestia *washes mouth out*, Trollestia (if it is innocent pranking, like what she does in canon, it's allowed). Any shipfic (with the exception of Discord/Celestia and Celestia/Luna which are not welcomed) should not be a mature rating. In general any fic should not be Rated Mature.

I do want to note that I do not hate Luna, Cadence, or any other Alicorn, I just feel that Celestia is given a bad rap and I want to put together a group that appreciates her for being Celestia. Not a tyrant, not a troll, not a deviant, but kind and loving pony that loves her land and her subjects, and will do anything to protect them.

It's time we do the same, and protect her.

When adding a new story to the archives please add them to the "Main" folder, this will allow the Mods and Myself a chance to sort through any incoming stories.

As of this moment all TCB, both Traditional and Alternative, is hereby banned from being immediately admitted into Protect Celestia. Any admission of TCB fics must be done by a proposal in the forum and accepted by majority vote of the Mods.

Also Mature rated fics are still against the rules.

Current Admin and Mods:
Celestia's Paladin: Founder and Admin
Zervziel: Mod
Comet Burst: Mod
John Hood: Mod

I would like to thank Valkyrie-Girl on DeviantArt for permission to use her picture, Portrait of a Princess as the group icon. Val if you are reading this, thank you.
Also I would like to thank Admujica for creating our banner,

A Defense for Celestia: Link, Link, Link

Groups we are aligned with:
Celestia is the Best Pony: Our sister group and where M-rated Celestia fics are archived
Twilight's Library: Archiving the best fics
The Princesses: A more general group dedicated to protecting all the princesses
Defenders of Luna: Our Luna equivalent
Protectors of Cadence: Our Cadence equivalent
The Peacekeepers

Comments ( 154 )
  • Viewing 135 - 154 of 154

The first flame I think. Does chryssi orchestrate it?

Hello! I am trying to find a story I've read before where different leaders like the buffalo, the griffons and cheysalis invite Celestia to a cabin in the woods and tell her that either she gives up the land or they march their armies who are at the borders to Equestria and Celestia buens down the cabin. Does anyone know what the story is? Thank you :)

You know, I read the rules, where it is clearly stated not once but twice that there are no mature rated stories allowed. The first one I saw was mature. You good? Just to clarify I see nothing wrong with it I just think that the rules should not be so adamant on something that is not followed up upon.

Just one question. What the hecky heck is a TCB?

aww that's so sweet. i'm sure is mlp were real life celestia would appreciate this.:scootangel::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::heart::heart::heart::pinkiehappy:

Hey guys I,m looking for a fic about celestia being killed in her sleep by a Assassin who was promised by an evil force that it or he would save her dieting monther 10 years from now and a grown up Applebloom warning them about it from 10 years into the future

Last time I checked, people really liked that episode. Having Luna in a episode wouldn't ruin the potencial for a Celestia episode.
As for Starlight, her role was rather replaceable after she change Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks, after that the episode was more focus on Celestia and Luna.

404655 Season is over. You can now start that petition.



Please let her be awesome in this season finale!:applecry:

Celestia is definetly not getting a episode this season and if she and the other princesses get defeated and captured in the season finale I'm gonna be so mad.

404655 If we don't get a Celestia episode this season:ajbemused:, maybe you should start that petition.

409983 I didn't want to hate this character, but because of the screw-ups and the poor writing done with her, especially the way Twilight tends to see her... well...

I really hope nopony minds me adding my story.

Wise Celestia is Best Celestia! Long live the Four Princesses!

Thank you. I love Celestia and the hate she gets is really unfair.

Not sure if I should start a petition for more Celestia episodes...

Wait why not Discord and Celestia shipfics?

  • Viewing 135 - 154 of 154