• Member Since 18th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen June 27th


Moderator of Protect Celestia. Aside from that I'm a prereader/writer who farts about this site to an excessive degree. Currently have three stories going at the moment.

A little about me.

First up, for those who wish to ask me to preread stuff keep in mind I'm a moderator of Protect Celestia. That alone should tell you how I feel about stories that drag her highness through the dirt or cast her as a villain. Dying in horrible ways is right out.

Aside from that I'm a prereader/writer who farts about this site to an excessive degree. Currently have three stories going at the moment. NOTE: if you want me to pre-read/edit, give me a summary when you PM me.


I didn't know dust bunnies could bark... · 12:14am May 20th, 2018

Damn poms are tiny as pups.

Report Zervziel · 435 views ·

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Comments ( 133 )
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Brother Santodes from the Text To Speech Warhammer 40,000 parody on Youtube.

Who's the guy in your avatar, and where is he from?

Hello. I'm looking for a proof reader to check my story Assassinverse: Earth, the New Colosses and see if there are errors and you are just what I'm might be looking for. Contact me at dextermed16@gmail.com

2151929 The Eridani Light Pony. Yup. Been with them for...Jesus, i guess 4 years now.


A few of us who reside on here happen to play rather frequently and noticed a MLP team with you in it. Or at least one who shares your name.

~Skeeter The Lurker

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