• Member Since 8th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2022

Hoopy McGee

Hoopy's just this guy, you know?

Reader submissions


The beard of regret. · 2:34am Mar 3rd, 2022

This is a post about beards. Specifically, my beard. There's pretty much nothing else, so I encourage you to skip this post if you couldn't care less about beards.

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Report Hoopy McGee · 2,073 views ·
Comments ( 550 )
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Hoopy, you were great. If you ever come back, everyone will rejoice.
But you might not, and that's fine too.
Just know we all miss ya'.

I just read project harmony for the first time this week and I am so sad to see that the sequel is not finished! Your story's are some of the best on the site! I finished Sunflower in 4 days I enjoyed it that much. I am still going to start project harmony but I'll be sad when it is over. Hope you are doing ok!

Anyone here who’s close to Hoopy know how he’s doing?

are you dead

Last time he was online he said he still planned to keep writing eventually. I for one have faith that he’ll get back in the saddle one day *snicker*.

  • Viewing 546 - 550 of 550
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