• Member Since 14th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2024

Ether Echoes

A star drifting through the cosmos.

Written Fiction


Everfree Northwest 2024 - Attendance and Book Signing · 11:00pm Aug 21st, 2024

Hey all, this is rather last minute, I know, but I got a last minute invite to EFNW this year. Signed copies of Through the Well of Pirene will be available at the book store, and I'll be available for signings or just to chat throughout the convention.

Report Ether Echoes · 178 views · Story: Through the Well of Pirene · #EFNW

Twilight's Library Box


Comments ( 202 )
  • Viewing 198 - 202 of 202

Does Pokémon transformation count on your Transformations group?

I hope you're well and still around.

I know it's been years since you wrote it but Well of Pirene is still one of my favorite stories. I love my print copy and once in a while I'll pull it down and re-read it again. Thank you for writing it.

I don't know if this is something you're interested in, but if you ever go pro/do original fiction will you put up a link or something?

It's pretty simple

In Pirene, most goblins have single word names. Most Wand-aligned goblins have a word in English or other Western languages as their name.

Wire was her birth name, for like ponies there's an element of destiny in it, given that she becomes an electrician.

Amelia decides on the spur of the moment, being a little trickster, to expand her name to sound more "ponyish" (not that some, like Rarity, don't have single word names) by calling her "Live Wire."

When she decides become a pony full-time, she adopts it as her actual name.

Her connection to Lightning Dust is that, in Pirene, Lightning Dust is an identity created wholecloth by the goblin known as Flash, and the forces of fate intertwined to bring Amelia and Wire together.

So, in short, no, it has nothing to do with Lightning Dust except within the logic of the canon of Pirene.

Hey I was just wondering, where did you get the idea of the name "Live Wire" from? It's not the only place I've seen the name for a lightning dust related character. Is it common fanon, or somehow related to canon?

  • Viewing 198 - 202 of 202
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