• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2014



Look up in the sky! It's an update! No really! · 5:22am Jul 10th, 2012

Weeeeee'reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

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Report PonyMarine · 484 views ·

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867854 It's a smaller version of this photo, taken of a F model Super Hornet of VFA-102 "Diamondbacks."

Your avatar pleases me. I can't really see the intakes on it due to the vapor cloud and the fuel tanks, but I'm going to assume that's the Super Hornet E model, due to the single seating configuration. I'm former Army aviation (Repair POG), and I thank you for your service, Brother-In-Arms. Consider yourself followed!

great stories, real smash hits. you've got the makings of a great fanfic writer, possibly even a professional novelist if you were to focus on it.
Semper Fi to one Marine, from the son of another. I pray that you'll stay safe, and that whoever's watching will protect the men and women who protect us. OORAH!

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