• Member Since 13th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 30th, 2012



Here we go, folks · 4:49pm Nov 2nd, 2011

Well folks, here we are at Chapter 2 of Southern Comfort.

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Well I think it appears this writer is gone for good.

Please write more...please:fluttercry:

So many good writers that disappear after a couple of months :fluttershysad:

I'd like to thank you for your story, Final Dreams of a Filly. Up until I read it, I was convinced that the FiM fandom was a strange and soon-to-be-short-lived fandom of a cartoon show.

Then your story showed me the level of depth this fandom could attain, and from there I delved into it wholeheartedly. So really, I should thank you. You are an extraordinary writer and a credit to the fandom.

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