• Member Since 29th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018

Wolfy Hige

chicken nugget


t('-'t) · 3:54am Mar 5th, 2016

Report Wolfy Hige · 583 views ·
Comments ( 450 )
  • Viewing 446 - 450 of 450

Thank you for favoriting Skittish. I got a lot of reads this month because a lot of Bronies wanted to read an old spoopy story. But none of the readers would rate it. No thumbs down, but no thumbs up either. With new Nightmare Night stories being published I saw my rating fall. Plummet! Skittish was in free fall and still falling until you came along with a net. Thanks.

What the hell, Wolfie?

  • Viewing 446 - 450 of 450
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