• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2014

Gylden Glor

My name used to be Gylden Glør, but I got sick of typing the ø in.


New Account on Literotica! · 11:57pm Mar 21st, 2014

So, I have a new account on Literotica.com. I'm writing a new story on it called "The Dragon's Slave", in which the protagonist is enslaved to a dragon, and while it is at first a slavery that has him just doing tasks and whatnot, it eventually becomes a slavery that has him "pleasuring" the dragoness - as well as cuddling with her.

Needless to say, it gets weird. And, don't read it at work. Or in front of your mother. Or girlfriend. Or sister. Or anybody, really.

Here's the link:

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Report Gylden Glor · 831 views · Story: Trapped ·

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Comments ( 83 )
  • Viewing 79 - 83 of 83

Oh my god... I think i just died. That Oc... its colorscheme... its mane and tail... its clothing and wings.... Pure 100% Grade-A Cringe

question will trapped be continued or should i move it to my dropped folder?

Comment posted by ShadowEonEclipseChaos deleted Jun 28th, 2014

About the story Responsibilities...
You think u maybe... Oh I don't know...
forgotten about it!!!

Just a heads up:scootangel:

  • Viewing 79 - 83 of 83
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