• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2020



im looking for a story please help · 7:38pm Aug 18th, 2013

okay I've searched this site thrice over and I still cant find a Trixie x Zecora fic I know its out there some where but I cant seem to find it.
If you have seen a fic like this please put it in the comment section please
I would love to see this paring

Report ElijahBleu · 559 views ·
Comments ( 167 )
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Thank you for adding The Tale of a Storm to your Favorites List!

Thanks for the fav ya silly!

Couldn't stop me if you tried

May you continue to enjoy reading Zebrican Warlord.

Tea or coffee?

  • Viewing 163 - 167 of 167
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