• Member Since 4th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 20th, 2012

Brawney Hooves


It has arrived · 3:02am Dec 18th, 2012

Remember when I said that I had a surprise for you guys? Well the day has finally come. Today I give you the very first soundtrack for my crowning achievement Wings for a Pony. I really hope you all enjoy it, as this is dedicated to all of you whether you read Wings or not. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this song entitled "Dreams" by the very talented ZephyrPony.

Please leave comments after you watch. Enjoy!

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Comments ( 145 )
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Comment posted by allstar brawler deleted Jun 27th, 2013

I just finished listening to "Dreams" and I thought it fit really well with Wings For A Pony. It was so soothing. Reading the fanfic made me think of the relationship between my stepfather and I, and that it's true that family comes in many forms.


his account is now Lonely Shadow you can find the rest of wings thier

  • Viewing 141 - 145 of 145
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