• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2021


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D&D plans. · 10:00pm Oct 26th, 2016

So, some time ago I talked about how nice it would be to do a D&D 5e group. Well, I think it's about time to do it. Couple issues, Who is going to play? I'd like to have a group of 3-5 people, and then myself as the DM.

First off, Skype is a requirement.

Secondly, we'd be using Roll20 for the tabletop portions, so you'd have to have an account on that.

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Report BlackWing · 1,409 views ·
Comments ( 387 )
  • Viewing 383 - 387 of 387

That's actually good to know.

He left years ago, give his account to someone else so it stays up.
Great stories to read here.

My guess is that he's not on as much anymore

hay you there is anyone still here like at all where is he I know he must still be around but still where is he

Anybody know if this guy writes anywhere else these days?

  • Viewing 383 - 387 of 387
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