• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2021



D&D plans. · 10:00pm Oct 26th, 2016

So, some time ago I talked about how nice it would be to do a D&D 5e group. Well, I think it's about time to do it. Couple issues, Who is going to play? I'd like to have a group of 3-5 people, and then myself as the DM.

First off, Skype is a requirement.

Secondly, we'd be using Roll20 for the tabletop portions, so you'd have to have an account on that.

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New PC · 4:44pm Aug 27th, 2016

So..... the time has come.

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Breezie Speak=Easy · 9:00pm Jul 22nd, 2016

So, I haven't updated in a while, but I swear, I have been getting SOME things done.

Like, for example, working on the Breezie Language that I touched on in Falling Feathers a while back.

The most difficult part was trying to figure out how to do the verb conjugations, but when I remembered the whole point was simplicity, I figured out what I want to do with it.

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Lol Internet · 12:37pm May 2nd, 2016

So, In case you haven't noticed, I haven't updated since that last chapter I made. Well, that's because I don't have home internet. I'm using my phone to set up a mobile hotspot. While I have unlimited data, and don't have to worry about overages, I don't have unlimited high speed. So, while I still have high speed, I can do whatever I want, but once it's out......

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I'm In · 6:36pm Apr 2nd, 2016

So, I officially moved into my house today. My bed is here, my dog is here, my food is here.

... Pretty much it.

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Today · 8:43pm Mar 22nd, 2016

Today is the 22 of March. It is the second day of spring, It is my birthday, which I share with Captain Kirk (Happy B-day Shatner)

As for the reason I haven't been updating for pretty much the entirety of March, I have a good reason.

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The Thug · 12:34pm Jun 14th, 2015

Now, I'm sorry if this seems ranty, but something happened on my way to work last night that I felt I just had to talk about.

Last night, I was on my bike, going to work. I was biking on the sidewalk. You can probably already see where this is going.

I don't know about anywhere else, but in Canada, in my specific town, the law is very clear.

Cyclists are to ride on the road... UNLESS

1. There is a designated bike lane.
2. The cyclist cannot keep with the flow of traffic.

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I LIIIIIIVE!!! · 12:00pm May 11th, 2015

Now DIE!

All joking aside, I'm finally out of my winter funk!

I have energy, I feel alive, now that the sun can touch my ghostly white skin I'm feeling much better. Last night at work I had one of those 'Oh! I know what I wanna write!' moments so it seems I got my inspiration back as well.

My inspiration isn't the only thing that has come back with the end of winter. So have the flowers.... and the ALLERGIES.

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Today is March 22 · 2:19pm Mar 22nd, 2015

Today is March 22.

It is the second day of spring.
It is William Shatner's birthday.

More importantly, it is MY birthday.

While I do apologize for the lack of updates recently, (mostly due to the extreme cold inducing a state of semi hibernation... Canadians are all 1/4 bear, FYI) with the advent of spring and the warming up of the world I expect to soon come out of this seasonal slumber and get my act together on my fics, including those I've thrown on the back burner.

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My Day · 4:02pm Feb 2nd, 2015




=Warning, the following content in inappropriate for BABBIES due to excessive sailor talk=

Get up, it's night time. I work nights, gotta go to work.
Is snowing. Mom says 'take a cab'. I say 'no, I'll walk to work like I always do.'
She says 'But it's bad weather out there, I'm pulling the 'mom string'. Basically 'Do what I say because I'm the adult here.

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