Anon is tired of the hectic day-to-day of living amongst the ponyfolk and decides to purchase some land in the Everfree to have some peace and quiet all by his lonesome. How much land you ask? All of it
The power exchange between Twilight and the sisters is about to be completed. Then, thanks to an ancient proclamation, things hit a snag. How will Twilight feel about this imposition on her non-existent love life?
It's always been known that Canterlots elite has been full of scummy ponies that benefit off of the ponies under them, reaping the reward of what others have sown. But what if there was a new contender to oppose them?
You are Anon. Or, at least, you used to be. Sort of. Now you're a filly. Let's just say, you're not thrilled with the change. And with it comes some unforseen consequences.
I remember being a young adult male human once. Nowadays I'm a female pony who now has to retake school because SOMEPONY couldn't perform a spell correctly. I might as well try to make some good out of this situation and see what chaos I can cause!
What can one prismatic pegasus stallion do when he is suddenly transported to a world so different but so similar to his? Try and contact his queen but wait! She looks different but that doesn't matter, Queen is Queen and that's what only matters.