You were the Chosen One! · 12:31pm Mar 26th, 2020
Alas, it was not so.
So as many of you may have surmised, I have violently but silently passed away.
That is to say I am dead.
Not in the literal sense, but possibly in the literary sense.
To make things short, I had a bit of a breakdown, a couple of other mundane life-things and a lack of time to even consider writing.
Now, I have some time on my hands and for the first time in a loooooong while (about a year or so) I came back.
Hope you're doing alright, wherever you are now
Still love you, sunny.
No matter what, people will be here if and when you do update, as your stories are good. I still hope you update the blog and/or the stories sometime...but it is a hope, not a demand.
Oh hey, glad to see you checked in again instead of dropping off the internet entirely; last login I saw was in December? 2020. I hope you're doing well after your last blog post. Maybe you found something good to read?
You're the best!!! Love you too :)