• Member Since 11th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Although it left it, it knew that it was right, it made it down, because it didn't know what's up.


You were the Chosen One! · 12:31pm Mar 26th, 2020

Alas, it was not so.

So as many of you may have surmised, I have violently but silently passed away.

That is to say I am dead.

Not in the literal sense, but possibly in the literary sense.

To make things short, I had a bit of a breakdown, a couple of other mundane life-things and a lack of time to even consider writing.

Now, I have some time on my hands and for the first time in a loooooong while (about a year or so) I came back.

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Report sunnypack · 1,257 views ·

Microstory X - Awkward Twilight · 10:10am Dec 14th, 2018

It happened at a bookstore.

"Hello," said the clerk.

"Morning," Twilight mumbled back.

The clerk returned a strained smile back and then went back to work.

Twilight then realised in her half-tired state that it wasn't morning, it was the evening, the store was closed and it wasn't a bookstore, and the clerk wasn't there and she had been talking to a cardboard sign all this time.

Twilight carefully eased back the door and pretended she didn't just break into a bookstore.

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Report sunnypack · 573 views · #awkward

Microstory IX - The Existence · 8:58am Dec 8th, 2018

Before Twilight could say anything, Pinkie held up her hoof.

"Twilight, stop, before you say anything. I have to say something!"

Silence followed.

"What were you going to say?"

"...I forgot."

"Pinkie... what are you doing on my doorstep?"

"Twilight, you have to help me with my application!"

"What's this?" She held the documents up. "These look like job... rejections?"

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Micro Story VIII - The Rock · 1:18pm May 13th, 2018

It started with a slight clicking sound.

Like the fingernails tapping on a tabletop.

Click. Click. Click.

There it sat on her desk.

The rock.

Eyes fixated on the inanimate object, Twilight examined it with such rigour.

But it stood still.

Yet still was that sound.

Click. Click. Click.

Then a different sound.


Like the world announced its significance with that one cue.

It wasn't a rock, she realised, there and then.

It was an egg.

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Report sunnypack · 580 views · #microstory

Micro Story VII · 10:07am Jan 30th, 2018

Twilight glanced out the windows at the dim backdrop of stars.

Night time, she thought, and lazily went back to reading.

Then she returned back to the window.

No wait, that's space!

In which Twilight asks the real questions: How the hay did I get here?

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Report sunnypack · 605 views · #microstory

Micro Story VI · 12:14pm Jan 22nd, 2018

The human licked cakes.

"This tastes sweet!"

The human licked a lemon.

"This tastes sour."

The human licked grass.

"This tastes bland."

The human licked Twilight.

"This tastes rich and heavy."

The human also tasted magic, but he couldn't recall the specific flavour because it was concentrated into a bolt at the time and was slamming more into his cheek rather than his mouth.

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Report sunnypack · 493 views · #microstory

Micro Story V · 12:18pm Jan 20th, 2018

Today, Twilight was getting a delivery.

This was strange for two reasons.

One, she didn't actually order anything.

Two, the delivery came from another world.

So when Twilight arrived back from finishing her princess-duties and retired to her bedroom, she was rather perturbed by the rather large package sitting on her bed.

On the box it read:

Open at your own risk..

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Report sunnypack · 453 views · #microstory

Micro Story IV · 11:00am Jan 18th, 2018

There was a noise in the bushes, which startled a pegasus crossing by it.

Fluttershy stared at the bush intensely, her eyes wide and afraid.

"What are you doin' Flutters?" Rainbow was curious, seeing her friend so shaken.

"I-I-I-It made a noise!" Fluttershy yelped, quaking in her hooves. "It 'rustled', 'snapped' and 'crackled'!"

"Big deal, they make noises all the time!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Rustle," said the bush, "snap and crackle."

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Report sunnypack · 477 views · #microstory

Problems and Fixes · 12:01pm Jan 17th, 2018

Hi all, first thing, thanks for reading Hell Yeah and leaving your wonderful feedback for this story.

Because of the feedback I've gotten I've been deliberating the dilemma of pursuing a sequel versus fixing current problems in the story. The current problem(s) highlighted to me were these:

1. The ending was rushed and as a result it got convoluted and suffered mechanically.

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Hell Yeah AMA · 9:47am Jan 15th, 2018

So here's where you can ask me anything about the story if you're too lazy to use the PM.

Before we start:

Will there a sequel?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Depending on when I finish my other incomplete stories.

Can you write my story idea (into a fic)?
SA: Maybe.

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