Heyyyyy........ · 12:31am Oct 12th, 2019
Comment-driven story time, ya heckers.
Starting, of course, with the everlasting classic in brain cell incineration technology.
PixelMoon's attempt at writing something equally ridiculous, though they've largely left the fandom at this point.
My life has this thing that it likes to do where, whenever I have plans to do something or be productive it likes to throw random things at me that obliterate those plans.
For example, last night, as I'm about to write the chapter (which I do have at least planned now, btw, so there was SOME progress at least):
1 - My roommate pushed me into binging the entirety of FLCL in one go. (Let's just say that's not a good show to watch tired. Thinking becomes difficult.)
Why, oh why does every single ghost story involving the ghost of a woman or girl have to be with long, matted black hair and a white dress and dead, white, lifeless eyes and grey skin?
Is this a cliché go-to scare factor thing for ghost stories in general, or is there something I'm missing here? It's always irked at my nerves why it's ALWAYS black hair, white dress, creepy face, white eyes. I mean...what is this, Satan playing drag queen? Is this a fetish of his?
look at what if's like/dislike ratio
mmm repeating numbers go brrr
Which one should I finish writing first, then publish? I shall do both.
1. Story where Luna is on the moon, and blames herself
2. My OC's first diary
Right now you're probably thinking WHAT?
Let's just say I've had a lot of time myself since I've been bedridden for the last five days. It's amazing what can be done when classes are over and you can't even sit upright. Chapter 24 will be dropping sometime today after I finish importing it from the google doc and making some last minute edits (there's always at least one).
I just checked my follower count. How. 77. Almost 100. Wat??? It's against the laws of the universe. Just no. People like me don't get this stuff.
Just what.
Thank you all! I can't believe it! Aah! Jdnwivjennfjfkdk.emjwbsbfnfnccjs,s,gu!
There ya go.
Go crazy.
I'm retiring from Fimfiction. I've achieved my career goal and all ongoing stories will now be can-
You do realise it's not April 1st yet, right?
Fuck. Hey, how did you get here? This isn't a story!
You really shouldn't leave the fourth wall open after breaking it. Leads to a lot of metaphysical discovery. Why did you even write that fourth wall break?
I thought it was funny? You do know this is a blog post, right?
Each and every chapter:
Am I drunk or something? It's a legitimate question.
I just finished the day's editing and writing, and I save it in fimfic. I swear I have no recollection of clicking the post button.
I'm sorry for the mis-upload, but also I'm working on the next chapter,it's just a little hard to find time to write during exam period.
So someone asked Lauren Faust question about who's freed NMM from the moon. Answer is... Well, see for yourself:
Mmkay. So, ever since the trailers for the fourth Equestria Girls first came out, folks on Equestria Daily, Derpibooru and Fimfiction have noticed something....odd about the growth of Pinkie's chest size???
I got bored, and the cover art was going nowhere.
So I kinda was thinking about Undertale a lot recently, so I decided to draw a character.
Okay, so when I started to learn how to draw ponies, it took me several hours, many sessions, and a whole lot of practice to get it looking any good. This is normal.
The only living subjects I have ever drawn were ponies.
I studied fanart for about 2 minutes, and then did this: