• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
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Oh, look at me... you've got me tearing up again. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.



Ask Sweetie Giraffe anything! || Even more What Ifs!
What would happen if Sweetie Belle became a tyrannical giraffe hellbent on destroying all that was shorter than her?

How 'bout Equestria being ruled by literal potatoes?

Ever wanted to see an author clawing at his remaining shreds of sanity at two in the morning, trying to figure out what the actual heck he's writing?

Well, guess what? This is the story for ya! Enjoy the noises of short-circuiting brain cells. :)

Reached the 1000-chapter hard-limit of Fimfiction!

Suggestions for chapters are open, but remember to leave space for others! Keep in mind that I decide whether or not to use idea suggestions, and if you want a crossover, or are asking something about the show itself, then check this big ol' Twilight-grade list first!

Check out What If's new sister story!

Now with an anti-recommendation from Posh!

Other what if(s):

Chinese translation by OMPG!

Chapters (1001)
Comments ( 5529 )

Comic 37? You mean the official comics?

What if Rainbow and Rarity switched species and careers?

How are they using them ?

7554572 They're using them... in every way possible...

But mostly gaming. :twilightsmile:

7554496 I actually saw that comic strip before. It's what made me decide to write that chapter as sort of a "minific".

What if Rarity and Flutershy where both stallions in the mane 6 group ?

7554584 That'll get a bit funky, but I'll try.

Maybe I shod have asked in a M rated one. :ajsleepy:
p.s. I meant as, they always have been stallions.

What now ...?

What if:

1) Apple Jack became the new Alicorn Princess ruler of Equestria

2) The mane 6 had a child together. as in, all 6 mares are the biological mother of the child

3) Zephyr-Brisas was A.J.'s bother, Shining-Armor was Pinkie's brother, Big-Mac was Rarity's brother, Maud was Twilight-Sparkle's sister.
OR something like that.

4) the C.M.C.s were the older siblings of the mane 6
p.s. as in the C.M.C. are Teens and the mane 6 are stell blank flanks
and A.J. & P.P. are the younger sisters of A.B.
T.S. & Rarity are the younger sisters of S.B.
R.D. & F.S. are the younger sisters of Scootaloo

5) Every pony was/becomes an Alicorn for a week or ...

6) FlutterShy/ButterScotch becomes the ColtFriend of every mare in PonyVille

7) every pony on PonyVille becomes a folle, and Pinkie-Pie has to folle-site them all

8) FlutterShy was into Rock when she was younger

9) the mane 6 where born with disability

10) Humans lived in the wold of the ponies

11) the mane 6 where a different race

7560088 No, it's fine. It's just that I wasn't expecting such a massive load of What if's. I'm gonna use one each day! :pinkiehappy:

7560091 YA ! :pinkiehappy:

p.s. you can make:

#3 in to 1 or 4 parts

#4 in to 1 or 3 parts

and #5 into 1 or more parts

7560115 ok.

p.s. I have more :pinkiecrazy:

6) FlutterShy/ButterScotch becomes the ColtFriend of every mare in PonyVille

7) every pony on PonyVille becomes a folle, and Pinkie-Pie has to folle-site them all

8) FlutterShy was into Rock when she was younger

9) the mane 6 where born with disability

10) Humans lived in the wold of the ponies

11) the mane 6 where a different race

7620684 It's fine. I won't be writing anything new for a little bit though.

7620863 No, it's because I've been updating at least one story every day, and so I feel like I need to take a little break to build my ideas back up. It'll be nice though if someone else would help write something for chapter 11 on Equestria Forever though...

twilight, you have become more like me!!! and you're still worst mane six. how ironic. maybe this fic will change my mind.

7554496 :facehoof: i love this comic!!!!! but, its weird.
*finishes reading* nooo, it cant end this way. the timeline will be screwed, and the season 5 finale will never happen.

has dat potato been in da freezer? cuz it is cool:rainbowlaugh:

i will never stop reading!!!! spudlestia, stolen devices, gummy is awesome, gummy best pet gummy best non-pony

ermagersh, so awesome!!! the addition of lyra reminds me of anthropology. *hums the tune to herself* love dat song!!!!

later, much much later,
oooooooo *cough cough* okay, im done. i like the secretly philosophical gummy (see episode 100)

Fluttershy was now Flutterguy.
and no poison joke was necessary!! just pinkie and discord. earth ponies master race.

its possesed!!!! that happened to me once when i made a poem that indirectly related to pinkie pie.

Comment posted by lunarderpy1 deleted Nov 15th, 2016

Blood! Hahahahahahha. Celestia shalt be deaf :pinkiecrazy:

What if The EQG main 6 came to equestria?
Btw Iv been loving the story's so far

okay, what if...

1) pinkie had a pandoras box or something similar
2)... i forgot.

wut!!!! noooo, she didnt. human rd is in equestria now?! the world will end.

And I for one welcome our new potato overlords.

Not really, I just wanted to make that joke.

yes, the stare: scaring the s*** out of ponies/animals to get what she wants.

7827596 And summoning Cthulhu at will. Don't forget that.

How did you come up with the whole Potatoes Ruled the Earth what if scenario?

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