What If...

by TheMajorTechie

the whale used the stale food to survive the heat death of the universe and became the new universe by process of elimination?

"I must live on OwO!" the whale shouted as the end of all things approached. Reaching out with its flippers, it began to shove as much of the stale food into its mouth as possible. "Food means energy, and energy means outlasting heat death!"

Everything began to fade to black around the whale as it swallowed.



So. Uh, whale? How would you like being the new universe?

"Who's that >.>?" the whale looked around, but it saw nothing because I am the author and the whale does not have fourth wall abilities.

Ahem. It is I, the one that gave you existence! And now, you can become existence!

"UwU I don't know..."

If nothing universe-imploding or exploding happens in the next couple hundred chapters, then you'll be able to see the end of this story!

"OwO really?"

Perhaps. No guarantees on not going boom though.

"Okay then OwO!" the whale cheered.

And from now until the next time the universe goes boom these chapters are taking place inside the universe-whale.