What If...

by TheMajorTechie

Supplemental: List of things I actually know enough about to write chapters for in this story (terribly outdated. I'm even more clueless now.)

Twilight Sparkle burst through the fabric of reality and landed on her face. She let out a groggy groan as the imploded fragments of a door landed on top of her.

List subject to updates and additions. Entries on these lists are in no particular order. Also terribly outdated.

Also, commentary!

I'ma do it.

Generally not recommended for writing chapters about. There's a good chance I won't write a suggestion based on these simply because I have very little knowledge of them or am simply disinterested.

I have had practically no gaming life outside of casual games, and even then I still have no gaming life. Also, yeah, I don't watch very many things either. I just binge through an entire show and stop at that in most cases, and that's when I even watch something in the first place. AKA I have near-0 experience in any of these.

Disclaimer: suggestions still must follow site rules, and suggestions that would potentially push the story above its "E" rating must be discussed before I use them. Other than that, happy reading! :pinkiehappy: