A standalone prequel to Splintershard. You don't need to read Splintershard to understand this story, nor do you need to read this to understand Splintershard.
Day by day, the rift in Equestria grows. The factions align, but nobody knows--
Will the nation still stand?
Or will it fade away, leaving only dust and sand?
This story starts off pretty lighthearted, but will grow progressively darker as time passes. Additional tags will be added as the story progresses.
Reviewed by Lumina Faith in My Little Reviews & Feedback!
In the end it will be Twilight Sparkles who is at fault for Equestria crumbling into civil war and disorder, maybe entire ponies will say Twilight is at fault and blame her for the woes.
This is interesting . . . It's sad and a bit painful to see Twilight step down, but this type of situation has always been a possibility for her future.
I'm eager to see what happens next.
"Dad" should be capitalized here, as well as where the word is mentioned in the fourth paragraph. :)
Noted. Thanks for pointing that out!
An election. Hmm, that's something Equestria hasn't seen before. (Well, in terms of the national government.) I wonder what would happen if "the Sunbeam movement" worked.
Looking forward to the next installment. :)
Minor typo!
Did the nobles ask Celestia if she wanted to lead again? Because I sincerely doubt they can force her, even if the Sunbeam movement works.
Fixed! Thanks!
And no, they didn't ask. We'll see where that leads us.
Honestly, I'm starting to get that too.
This story is getting darker by the chapter. Nonetheless, I am intrigued. I'll be here for the next one. :)
Fighter aircraft? That's my prediction. Although, it would be a bit odd to have a colt manufacture military equipment.
I suspect things are about to get worse for Equestria. Keep up the good work. :)
Yeah, the T rating is fitting considering the current situation. May I ask what the name of your OC is? It might have been mentioned somewhere, but I guess it slipped my mind.
still yet to be named.
Ah, okay. Well, I'll be ready whenever the name arrives. ;)
On my Discord server, readers and prereaders for Splintershard have adopted the name of the story as an unofficial name for the OC.
Hmm, interesting. I'll keep that in mind for the time being. :)
I don't plan on ever revealing a name within the story itself, but if I ever do choose a name, I'd likely stick with what everyone else has been calling them. I wanted to keep the character as vague as possible for the sake of the story's writing style.
Sounds good to me. Thanks for the info.
Daybreaker has returned, and that may as well be the most poetic line in the story. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. :)
Oh no.
I agree.
It very much seems like Daybreaker has something to do with the disappearances, and the number distributions for all Canterlot residents sounds suspicious as well.
Looking forward to tomorrow's chapter. :)
1) I enjoy this diary entry writing style and before I started reading this, I was actually thinking of writing a fic kinda similar to this, but just a different setting
2) But, he said he can fix it at home so we can play with it tomorrow... MICROSOFT 365 SAVINGS... Nothing about the story, just the fact that ads in the middle of the story is just... What the fuck, Fimfiction team? I'm okay with ads at the top and bottom, but not in the middle of a fic guys...
So... Is Starlight an elderly pony or is she so powerful she's basically immortal?
I chose the latter option. She maintains her health using a spell.
That doesn't sound good.
Heartbreaking. On the other hoof, I surmise his parents are constantly thinking about him.
Interesting content. I'm sensing that something major will be transpiring sooner or later.
Crossing my fingers that that's the case.
Sunbeam is handling being thrown into the military relatively well. I know I would react to that situation much differently.
I wonder what Twilight thinks of everything occurring right now...
Oh, wow... I didn't expect the Sunebam Corps to go that far. (Poor Sunbeam. As a young filly, he/she should've never been forced to experience what happened.) Were the rebels really that dangerous, to the extent where so much violence was in order? Or is the military beginning to be corrupted by the influence of Daybreaker?
That's the question.
Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
That sounds great for Sunbeam, but I'm a little skeptical about whether that last sentence will be the case.
Did you mean to put Starlight there instead of Star? Just thought I'd point that out.
All in all, good chapter. (I also like that Sunbeam has reverted back to informal writing.) I'll be awaiting whatever happens next. :)
Yeah, I meant to write star there
Okay. Thanks for the clarification. :)
I love the idea of Starlight being a double agent.
Yay, I was right! The order was from Daybreaker.
I wonder how Starlight's plan will go... Well, nice chapter, and looking forward to the next installment. :)
Smart idea.
Still seems suspicious to me.
Hopefully Starlight returns soon. Nice work on the story as a whole. It's certainly been an interesting read. :)
Yay, Cadence!
Hmm, me too. Poor colt. The consequence of refusing to produce more Whirlybirds must be making him miserable. Unless he's been corrupted by Daybreaker as well...
As always, looking forward to whatever happens next. :)
Fixed :V
I get the feeling, right, that Sunbeam would have become an entomologist if this war hadn't started...
Lol, how come that keeps happening? These ponies need to keep a fire extinguisher very close to the campfire.
That's a great plan. At last, the issue has been resolved.
Ah, typos. The bane of authors everywhere. Also I have a very bad feeling about the "low-ranking" guard...
Sunbeam bout to jinx the whole camp
Hmm, I wonder how this scouting mission will go. I'm suspecting Sunbeam will find whatever he/she sees at the Old Guard fort troubling.
Looking forward to tomorrow's chapter. :)
I like where this is heading. A nice little what if story.
Hmmm. Does seem like a recipe for disaster...
Whoops. Fixed!