Random Comedy 543 members · 1,823 stories

A repository for the sillier comedy stories, ranging from light-hearted absurdity to mindbleach and fridge horrors.

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A Fridge Horror is when something sounds fine at the time, but when you turn off the TV and go to the fridge for a snack, you realize it could easily be horrifying.

For example, Twilight sealing the Pinkie Clones in the Mirror Pool.

I come Bering the gift of a really dumb story!

Hi, everyone! Glad to be here! I hope you’re having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Expect some stories from me soon!

All people who like Spider-Man 1, 2 but not really 3

SsPidDerMan hOmEComInG SUCKS sPIdDerRmMan 2 is BETTERR.

Ttom HollANd can SUCK MY DI-

Knock, kno- MOO!

Random and funny stories are fun to read. :pinkiehappy:

I want to be dominated Rarity and have her call me her naughty little bitch.

What did the fish say after he ran into the wall?
Damn. :pinkiecrazy::derpytongue2::trollestia:

HI all thought this would be the best place for one of my little random tales enjoy! :twilightsheepish:

read 2 stories, hated and loved them, still joined:derpytongue2:

I an open prereader for anyone who needs me!

sorry if i sound like and idiot but whats a fridge horror?

I'm in, but I can't think of anything to write on... I know exactly how to write the style, but I must wait for inspiration to strike. I must wait... for the magicz!

Welcome to Random Comedy! I realized that this is one of my favorite subgenres to read, so I made a group for it! I'll be adding a few of my stories momentarily, and then spreading the word.


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