• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 22nd, 2022


Anyone can use words. It's called talking. But writers arrange them in a way so that they take on a beauty in their form.

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It liiiiiiiives · 3:58am Sep 12th, 2013

So, after many life shenanigans (which seemed to keep stacking one on top of another when I thought that the previous had passed), I am fairly confident that I'm back now... I hope.
I'd say specifically what's been holding me up, but I've always felt awkward putting people into a position to give empathy. I will say that its involved family deaths, personal depression issues. writers block of its own right, group dissolution, and moving states. I prefer to relegate it all to "stuff."

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Report Bridgebrain · 549 views ·
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Hey! Thanks for favouriting The Worst of All Possible Worlds! I appreciate it! :raritywink:

Thanks for the fave on Good Morning, Beautiful!

And, as I posted on your blog, I realized I never replied on these. Anyway, I have no doubt that you'll always manage to keep at least my basic expectations, and delightfully defeat a few of my higher ones. Thank you for being all around pretty darn cool

I'm glad that my little story about two ponies still being in love met with your approval, Brain! The Fave of The Father of My Children means quite a bit to me.:pinkiesmile:

Heh, me too!:pinkiehappy:

Thanks so much for the Watch! I'll do my best to keep deserving it!:twilightsmile:

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