Looking for Proofreader (Battle Magic) · 10:48pm Jun 3rd, 2012
It has been pointed out to me that I am an idiot who can't speak English (I'm paraphrasing). As such, I'm looking for a proofreader for my story, Battle Magic. It wouldn't be a heavy job; you'd be getting the chapters at the level where I'm publishing them at the moment and just looking for the (hopefully) little mistakes I missed.
If you're interested, message me. If there's a site or forum that's a good place to find proof readers, that would also be a helpful thing to let me know about.
Man. I miss this guy.
2311411 Yeah, seriously.
Three cheers for 369105! ... I'm the only one here.
Hey, um... Battle Magic is a really good story that I would hate to see die. Just wanted to let you know that some of us are still watching... and waiting.
....sure I'd still be willing to help
apparently I am a ninja.....excellent