“You have cancer? Don’t worry, all you have to do is kill your soul (you are on this website, so I think you already did this) and then you will be dead inside. Then nothing can affect you because if you are dead inside you can’t die!” Grammy winning doctor Albert Einstein 2018
her steam comes online with a quick check so not dead just not on the site. :)
If that's the reason why this user is no longer with us since 2019, then rest in peace.
Biggest fan.
Bigger fan.
Big fan.
“You have cancer? Don’t worry, all you have to do is kill your soul (you are on this website, so I think you already did this) and then you will be dead inside. Then nothing can affect you because if you are dead inside you can’t die!”
Grammy winning doctor Albert Einstein 2018
2290108 Save some for me.
2288783 i eat ass
2288760 You sure you weren't roominating?
2288498 vegetating