• Member Since 20th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


For someone named "TheTimeSword", I sure don't manage my time very well.

Writing Goals

I used to have writing goals. Now I'm just trying to manage plot holes.

Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

If letting you know I enjoy your stories helps support you writing, then I'm happy to do it! The Worst of All Possible Worlds was simply excellent, lots of depth and character growth that continued throughout the story and had purpose. It's above the quality of many published novels, you have a real talent.

No probs mate. I do tend to favourite good stories. And stories that have time shenanigans I tend to absolutely adore.
That and bacon mare is best pony.

and a good story, I kept to read more trade (I add all that catch my attention)

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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