• Member Since 8th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 3rd, 2020

Golden Paw


Would be a shame to let it go to waste..... · 11:18am Sep 16th, 2016

Hi every one,

It's been a long while since I've taken any time to post here but I am back to simply tie up some loose ends. I still don't have any plans to write anything 'new' as I have moved on to independent stories that are not pony based. That being said I still had some 'works in progress' when I decided to call it quits and it would be a shame to let them gather metaphorical dust as it were.

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Report Golden Paw · 473 views · Story: Distant Ties ·

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Bit about me and stuff!

Hi you've found my page on FimFic, firstly welcome and thanks for taking an interest in my stories.

To start with I write because I find it fun to do so, I love exploring the ideas that come into my head and see where they go. FIM gives me a chance to do just that, where a collection of lovable characters set out to be the best they can be.

It's the thing that drew me to FIM in the first place, the good principles of harmony and though I may not agree with all those out there in pony land on certain values, I respect their rights to their opinion. Hey just because we don't agree doesn't mean we can't be friends right?

Anyway, I live in the UK and sadly I suffer from a condition know here as M.E (got a boring medical term for it that I can't be bothered to remember) and as such and in sort of a 'limbo recovery phase' at the moment. The good side of this is I get to write for all you fine ladies and gents. This creative outlet helps keep me sane (well prevents me from slipping further into Discord's clutches at any rate) and I am glad I can share this voyage of discovery with you all.

I would be the first to admit that my language skills are 'rough and ready', having far more ideas than skills to give them justice, but if I can cheer someone up or inspire a person from what I write then I consider it a win!

If you're still reading this then thanks for taking the time and hope you enjoy your stay! Check out some of my featured stories and I would recommend any of the stuff in my favourites section too!

I check in weekly so shouldn't be too long before I can reply so by all means leave feedback/messages. I am pretty much always working on something new so watch this space for updates!

The only thing I ask in return is that if you like my work tell your friends so they can enjoy it too!

Remember your best story is the one you enjoyed writing the most!


Oh yeah almost forgot: Applejack is best pony! Maud Pie best background pony and Discord is best princess (Luna really, but don't let him know I said that)

*Also a quick heads up: I have been told that downloading my stories using e-pub can mangle them and make my already questionable punctuation even worse. I would recommend reading it right from Fimfic for the best experience while I look into the problem.

Comments ( 5 )
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https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

1463866 You're very welcome.

thanks for the watch friend

1055233 Hi thanks, Yes I like muffins! :pinkiehappy:

Hi, I like muffins! Do you like them too? :derpytongue2:

Anyway, Happy Random Follow Day!! (Yay!!) Feel free to return it (Or not...)

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Would be a shame to let it go to waste..... · 11:18am Sep 16th, 2016

Hi every one,

It's been a long while since I've taken any time to post here but I am back to simply tie up some loose ends. I still don't have any plans to write anything 'new' as I have moved on to independent stories that are not pony based. That being said I still had some 'works in progress' when I decided to call it quits and it would be a shame to let them gather metaphorical dust as it were.

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Report Golden Paw · 473 views · Story: Distant Ties ·