• Member Since 14th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Jasmine Tea

Greetings, I am Jasmine tea. As my butt can tell you, I am not a writer, I'm a chef. Now I'm off to have a cookie, then some beef stew..... What! I'm a bat pony, I need the proteins.

My Best!

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Comments ( 197 )
  • Viewing 193 - 197 of 197

Thanks for giving Woundsalt a little love!

Thank you very much for following my story, titled The Changeling That Bugged My Heart. :twilightsmile:

2004503 I'll give it a look C:

2004500 Tee tee, what a small world. So are you interested in my story?

  • Viewing 193 - 197 of 197
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hi everybody! · 12:50am Nov 15th, 2015

enjoy the new update of crossroads! in case you didn't get the memo:derpytongue2:

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