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- A strange new pony appears from the northern mountains after stopping the Crystal Ponies and the Mammoths nearly started a fight. He is not pleased with their misunderstanding.Cyanjames2819 · 1.2k words · 355 views
Business is now Up and Running · 6:14pm Oct 5th, 2016
It. Is. Done!
Finally, I can breath some fresh air. Took me a few of months, but it is finally done. My new business; Borealis Ink, is a logo and design making business, as well as printing my own designs on shirts and such other items. Never in my life have I ever thought of creating my own business in the middle of nowhere, but here I am.
Cyanjames2819 · 554 views
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thanks for the fav
Understandable. School is annoying.
I’m sorry for the hellishly long wait, I’ve been busy with life and college at the moment, but I am almost finished writing a new chapter for a different story, so I may start on getting a new chapter ready for Lovely Rarity. I got everything planned out with this story, I’m just having trouble writing it down.
When's the next part of lovely rarity coming out. That story is going but hasn't been updated in awhile. Please dont leave it to die.
And just like Applejack it's not going to be helpful in the long run. Well, the best of luck to y'ah. Take short breaks if at all possible.