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Canterlot Boutique and Rarity Investigate Review · 5:48pm Sep 19th, 2015

Greetings, Everypony and Discovery Fall TV has begun (Not really) but on it affermated Discovery Family is Begin with the remaining episodes of season 5. In the recent episodes, it all Rarity and Canterlot all the time. Let's start at the begin with Rarity start The Canterlot Carsoual in 'Canterlot Boutique'. With help of Sassy Saddle "Canterlot fashion mare and Boutique expert" Rarity open her dream boutique in canterlot and her dream was a reality but it when the ponies see the princess

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Yo, thanks for the watch!

Yo, thanks for liking my story! Hope you enjoyed it!

thx for the fav and follow

Thanks for the follow.

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