• Member Since 11th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 30th, 2023


im me myself and i.


Wasup :D · 8:28am Nov 13th, 2015

This is more or less me just thanking those of the my Amazing bunch of followers that's tipping the charts at a staggering 12 people! Hehe So ya thank you for the follow, I know that I am one of the hundreds of small fry on the site and most likely not the only one who's given you a thank you for following them back but i still wanted to thank you for the follow it means a lot :) so again thank you.

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Report jmlog796 · 462 views · #woot
Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

Thanks for the watch! And I also see you've met Coffee Bean. He's amazing and he is what a genuinely great writer looks like.

I see you faved Relax. I enjoyed writing that one. You will probably also enjoy Comforting Her Majesty and Soothing A Tempest, as they have that similar hurt-comfort + sex thing going on.

I hope to see you around more. -K93

well ill be watching for the next change keep up the awesome work and you got yourself a loyal follower :)

nailed it the first time; man. Also, glad my stupid profile pic finally paid off! I change it and my bio regularly.

Nothing much i like your stories there nice little reads....but you profile pic is what was the tipping point. Keep up the great work man/woman/it. :)

Heyo, thanks for the random follow! What prompted such a decision?

  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68
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Wasup :D · 8:28am Nov 13th, 2015

This is more or less me just thanking those of the my Amazing bunch of followers that's tipping the charts at a staggering 12 people! Hehe So ya thank you for the follow, I know that I am one of the hundreds of small fry on the site and most likely not the only one who's given you a thank you for following them back but i still wanted to thank you for the follow it means a lot :) so again thank you.

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Report jmlog796 · 462 views · #woot