• Member Since 26th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 29th, 2019


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LIFE · 5:00pm Jan 15th, 2014

Well I'm officially bringing an end to Who is that mare. It was my attempt at making a clop fic, and from what I've seen (And my own readings) I can't write clop. I will leave it up, but I will not be updating it any more.

On a lighter note this will allow more time to work on my better stories and a couple of new ones later in the future.

Report JosephRascon1789 · 419 views · Story: Who is that mare? ·
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815519 Sorry about that. Last weekend I sat down and typed a good chapter. I was just about done with the new chapter when my little brother came into my room and started pressing buttons on my laptop and he closed my window before I got the chance to save so all my work was deleted. :facehoof: I was so angry that I didn't get back to it I'll try again, but I'm not to sure how quick I can make a new chapter that has relevance to the story :twilightoops:

You sir have really put a thorn in my side!:moustache:

706456 Who is that mare is on hiatus until further notice. The other story i'm working on

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