• Member Since 23rd May, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2022


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I was supposed to say that it was motivational only. My bad.

dude wat dafuq

It has come to my attention that the last episode of MLP has been released. What this means is that you are the last hope for mankind. I will now explain why: Do you remember when Donald Trump was elected President of the United States? All those suicides that happened because of people who couldn't bear to live in a world where Donald Trump was the President? Well, take that reaction, apply it globally, and you get what's going to happen now that My Little Pony is officially done. You are all that stops the current extinction level event from happening. Continue Cloud Nine Has Fallen! Humanity depends on it!

Thank you for adding Spike Road to Love Beyond Rarity to your favorite.

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It's been a while has it. · 10:25pm Jun 2nd, 2020

Not sure who is still listening here on my page, been rather busy and getting college work done. Kinda stressful on it's own. Not to go into many details stress was getting to me for a while and that effecting my health. In recent months I have gotten better and been drawing and working on my 3d printer.

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