• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen January 18th


I need HELP and the website isn't letting me write a blog

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Why I've been away · 4:43am Oct 8th, 2022

So...not long ago I graduated....only around the time my friend and I were graduating he developed a BAD case of depression. I saw other friends abandoning him. I was with him as he stopped being able to communicate efficiently (he has high functioning autism)...and artists he talked to for advice scolded him and then blocked him for "seeking attention".

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Report The-DerpSide · 189 views ·
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Yeah. Life is hectic right now,though

Hey man are you ever going to update your story warrior or not?
If you don't want to thats fine is your decision to make just thought I'd ask.
Anyway toodles!

warrior please update it.


It takes time, of course! I also have to deal with a friend suffering from depression and a job hunt XD

Ok, so instarted reading Indominus and looking your other stories, i found out you wrote two of my favorite ones, Draconic timelord and Warrior.....yeah, followed, favorited, *pulls out a gun, finish d'em....ed.

  • Viewing 56 - 60 of 60
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