• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen January 18th


I need HELP and the website isn't letting me write a blog


Why is it that Spike was the only dragon without wings? Even as an "adult" caused by his greed. The dragon migration causes Spike to find the answer-and the destiny before him. He is no mere hatchling, he is the Pony-Hearted dragon, THE Dragonborn....the Dovahkiin!

Cover image by supadave on deviantart.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 151 )

It seems like a good start and thanks for the definition of what abilities spike will have also what kind of weapon will spike have and is he gonna leave with the elder dragon or is it gonna be some kind of training montage


Sword and shield.

There will be a slight montage, but it will focus on Rarity and the others worrying as they are in Durnehviir's home where the training will take place.

Although Soul Tear is the most powerful spell, Unrelenting Force is the most popular.

There's even a YouTube video I found which scenario I can work into the changeling invasion :pinkiegasp: :

3758806 it reminds me of the gohstly wail from Danny phantom also I see spike with something like a scythe to make up for his lack of height you know something that would give him a bit or in his case alot of reach


Well. I HAVE seen scythes and longswords in the game....

3758861 see im pretty sure spike would work better with a scythe and there easy to use look at maka she's just a one star meister and she badass


Wait. It says in the elder scrolls (series that skyrim comes from) wiki that scythes have no use in the game.....all the ones I saw on YouTube were mods!

3758931 its a fanfic you can do what you want

While there are a few Spike Skyrim stories they are either not good or discontinued. So far yours is off to a good start.

You said dragon age at the beginning of the story


Then I'll look up mods....otherwise when Durnehviir decides to use his magic to release the "blocks" in Spike's body after the training so his body matches his age....he'll be stuck with a claymore. (a large two handed double bladed sword once on "deadliest warrior" that could decapitate three people in one swing)

3759076 when ever I think of claymore I think of the anime also will it be a wide claymore or thin


Slightly wider that a regular sword, becoming thinner at the tip

3759182 I think spike would be more beneficial with something like a katana or maybe or tanto something that would work well with his size or would allow him to use reletive small size and build to his advantage like using speed over strength

3759246 nothing that small but maybe something like the white light blade or the new thinner version of zangetsu or maybe the old version of tetsa zangetsu or if you want the new version of tetsa zangetsu

How interesting... I think I will stick around.

I think I found it! There's a sword called Dragonbane!


3759295 yes that one that is perfect especially if spike is going to grow to match his age wich is


Awesome! Glad you like it!

Comment posted by TeddyUrsa deleted Jan 9th, 2014

3759324 I just have one question what shipping is this? :trixieshiftright:

3758806 I can't wait for the invasion. :yay:


I'll ask fans next chapter.
Sparity, spike/rainbow, spike/twilight, or all of the above?

Dragonbane was chosen for a reason.

It has electricity running throughout the blade, which can stun foes. Spike will have to face the Dark Dragon Alduin eventually. Dragonbane was appropriately named because it deals extra damage to dragons. If it hits a dragon-it does at least 1/3rd more damage.


The closest thing to an anime sword in a non-anime game

3760388 well why didn't you say so if that's the case it's perfect

3760416 so any idea when the next chapter of this and time guardian are gonna drop also I've got to questions about time guardian


This story's second chapter hopefully today: Maybe Time Guardian as well....I WILL be getting that War Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver today! :pinkiehappy:

3760443 I have two questions

3760451 1) what are you gonna do when it's time for river song to come in 2) what are you gonna do when its time for the battle of trenzalor (is that how you spell it ) 3) you know technically the doctor has kids I would love to see a little look into the future


Battle of Trenzalore will be like it was in the series.

River song will be...confusing...in all honesty, but I'll try to include her.

I will defiantly have a look in the future. Maybe Dinky and other foals will have a TARDIS?....

3760490 your going to kill spike river song will be confusing and I was talking about spike probably having kids


Oh no. Spike isn't the one who ends up on Trenzalore. Doctor Whooves WAS based on "The Doctor" after all....

3760506 you can't take away the doctor from dinky and derpy that be wrong and If he regenerates he won't be the same person


:ajbemused:...............remember what happens in "Time of the Doctor"? New Regeneration set? :ajbemused:

3760515 ik but when the doctor regenerates he's an entirely different person remember


Yes...and no......new personality, same memories.

I mean, he remembered seeing River Song i the Library and took the time to get to know the woman who knew his name.

3760544 I think I missed that episode


Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead.

River song went back in time and met the Tenth Doctor (who had no idea who she was).

She whispered his name (inaudible to everyone else) and later gave up her life saving him. The Eleventh Doctor (which was reference in "A Christmas Carol" and "The Name of the Doctor") gave her a custom-made Sonic Screwdriver shaped similar to the Tenth Doctor's screwdriver and, when she sacrificed herself, the screwdriver saved her consciousness inside it and uploaded it to the Library mainframe, where (since she could no longer be restored without a body) she would live eternity in a paradise with a family....basically living in heaven.

She could still contact others from shared meetings through mental links, though. :raritywink:


It can also be argued that the larger aspect of his personality (caring for others more than himself) doesn't change.

There was also an "Eleventh Doctor" pony featured in an MLP episode!

3760617 okay i saw that also you are right wouldn't you care about others if you wiped out your whole planet also i vote for all of the above with the shipping

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