I'm a big fan of Naruto and MLP, so this is a place for anypony to post their stories of Naruto and his adventures.
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I'm a big fan of Naruto and MLP, so this is a place for anypony to post their stories of Naruto and his adventures.
would be more happy if this site had more naruto crossovers with MLP :p that would be awesome!!!
yah know there's a fine line between being a good writer and just plain stupidity but all in all good page none the less.
besides like kakashi always says:
348441 Reading stories is simple.
I may have to ask a few questions as to how and why you failed to publish your story.
Assuming it isn't the moderation process you are talking about? I have had some problems with these on and off in the past.
Next issue is the browser you use, assuming you are on a PC(including mac or others), Phonies in any form has limitaions on this.
330790 It is supposed to be a thrill and exciting to write, particularly if they are good and consequently widely appreciated by a lage group of followers.
328391 Then start yesterday? Searilusly, gather the idea in the process of setting up your story on the site.
If you have the idea done by the time you get this far, you may look forwards to excitement as you publish the first chapter.
I have numerous stories behind me, not so many completed, though.
Now I need a few ideas as to who naruto is, in order to post a story on this group.
I imagine this is the place to ask around, when I get started, writing this story.
328390 Eeep, a double post?
Butt,Pinkie Pie and Derpy are adorable even here.
330790 I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to reply. I got frustrated with FIM and gave up on it for a while. I have come back to give it another go, but I have run into the same problem that made me quit FIM in the first place. I can read everyone elses stories, but can't publish my own. Any advice on what I should do will help alot.
328391 Let's hear it. I think it's a great thrill to be able to write stories like these.
I love Naruto, you could call me the ULTIMATE MEGA FAN, Can't wait to start writing, I have an awesome idea for a story.
I love Naruto, you could call me the ULTIMATE MEGA FAN! Can't wait to start writing, I have an awesome idea for a story.