• Member Since 25th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Writer and Artist

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Status Update · 4:43pm Oct 20th, 2023

Hey...been a while since I've posted anything on here. I'm doing fine, just been going through a lot in irl, what with the death of certain family members and financial stuff. But I'm doing well and I'll try to keep up with my stories on this site during my time off from work.

Report ElementBrigade · 117 views ·
Comments ( 472 )
  • Viewing 453 - 472 of 472

hey thanks for all the favs!

Thank you for adding "How I Ended Up Living With Six Pony Girls?" to your favorites, that means a lot to me, and I hope you keep enjoying the story as more chapters are released. :twilightsmile:

How would you best describe Laby's personalities? And before you ask, no, the wiki doesn't really go that in-depth with playable character personalities. Also, how would you describe the way Eternity Winner Laby looks?

Thanks so much for the favorite. :twilightsmile:

Who knows when they'll be done. ^_^;

I been reading your stories and I was wondering if they will ever be finished. They are really good so far I want to finished them.

Aw, you're welcome :3

Thank you! You inspired me to write my own fanfic on this site, and it's an Elsword X MLP fanfic. Not displaced. Thank you again!

Thanks for the favorite on A Pup Named Fenrir!

Thank you for favourite wait I'm a demon now my story I will try to make it a job to make sure you enjoy it.

Awesome! Glad to hear that! :pinkiesmile:

Forgot to mention, that's a lovely profile pic btw :raritywink:

I'm doing fine, thank you ^_^

Hope all is well for you, friend. :3

Have a cookie, awesome possum! 🤗🍪

  • Viewing 453 - 472 of 472
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