• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


A rocking brony with a love for crossover and adventure. Currently part time in college


Issues resolved · 6:22am March 18th

Okay, so after my folks calmed down with the events that took place last week, I finally managed to get my account checked out. My money is back where it belongs, and this now serves as a learning experience for me. I'll be working on stories again, but I'm thinking of taking commissions as well to try and help my folks more around the house when it comes to paying bills.

Report SonicBlitz18 · 317 views ·
Comments ( 163 )
  • Viewing 159 - 163 of 163

Hey, I was wondering, there is this pic series on furaffinity called perils of the power ponies and I was wondering if maybe you could do a story on that? KingSol himself gave permission saying no need for credit. He is the source. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/55130406/#cid:180595149

Do you do commissions? Or requests? I'd love to see a futa anthro Tempest Shadow/Twilight Sparkle story! Your consistent theme of lactation seems delightful for it XD

Excuse me, are you going to get back to continuing the New world, New life (Rewrite) story anytime soon?

Thanks for the favorites

Also I want to read more of the dusk side of Nightmare, more boobjobing please!

  • Viewing 159 - 163 of 163
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