• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A rocking brony with a love for crossover and adventure. Currently part time in college


Issues resolved · 6:22am March 18th

Okay, so after my folks calmed down with the events that took place last week, I finally managed to get my account checked out. My money is back where it belongs, and this now serves as a learning experience for me. I'll be working on stories again, but I'm thinking of taking commissions as well to try and help my folks more around the house when it comes to paying bills.

Report SonicBlitz18 · 319 views ·

From bad to worse · 6:44am March 9th

Well my situation just went from bas to worse. Thanks yo my fuck up, not only am I getting my card taken away, but I’m effectively kicked off the internet because of this. So I hate to say it, but that may be my last update before things improve.

Report SonicBlitz18 · 303 views ·

Can't use Discord · 2:45pm March 8th

Okay, so I have a bit of a problem. I won't be able to use discord for a while. Last night a writer friend of mine messaged me from there last night of a mistake he made on it that led to several false reports made to my account to where I can't use it at the moment. I was talking with a moderator ther as well who said that they look over my account to see if the reports were false. I followed his instructions and how I can't lig into my account anymore. Not sure what to do at the moment either.

Report SonicBlitz18 · 233 views ·

A Big Thank you. · 9:17pm Jun 23rd, 2023

For starters, I want to thank those who were patient with me as things in life are pretty hectic here. For starters, I had one of my cousins move in with me after moving to my hometown, and I finished classes that took part in, but I plan to go back in the Fall later down the line. But I just noticed that I reached 1000 Followers on my account. I still enjoy doing this as a hobby, and I plan to get back to some of my old stories to finally get them started. I needed to get back to my roots at

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Near Scare · 10:31pm Mar 8th, 2023

My brother had a panic attack last week. It was in the middle of class as we share the same courses together. He first told to teacher that he had to step out. I didn't think much of it as I thought it was a bathroom break. But somebody went outside fifteen minutes later and told me that he was having trouble breathing. I go over to him, and he said that he felt like his heart was being squeezed and he was hyperventilating as well. I had to call our mom to come pick us up and my brother had to

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An Interesting What If · 4:22pm Feb 15th, 2023

I don't konw why, but I had a crazy what If in my head when I had a dream last night after watching an old DC film called Crisis on Two Earths. Basically, it would involve the Mane Six if they were hot supervillains, but I have no idea what names they would have or what powers that they would take if they were. If anyone has any ideas let me know in the comments.
Twilight Sparkle
Sunset Shimmer
Starlight Glimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Rarity Belle
Pinkie Pie

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New Laptop, New Beginnings · 7:12am Dec 24th, 2022

Folks just bought a new laptop for me, and the title says it all. I'm so glad that I had a hard drive to save all of my old stuff, but this is start of a brand-new beginning. I plan to get back into the groove of writing again, but some of the joint projects that I have are still on the back burner until I hear back from my friend, but I plan to get back to some of my old works as well. To all the people that have followed me on this site back when I started. Thank you for everything. I truly

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Figured out the problem now · 1:03am Dec 10th, 2022

Okay, so I found out that scratching up my mousepad fucked everything up. I was frustrated and wondering for weeks why it was acting up like this, and now I know why. I’m taking it to Best Buy tomorrow to get it checked out.

Report SonicBlitz18 · 229 views ·

Figured out what happened · 9:57pm Nov 1st, 2022

Okay...so I figured out what was going on. When I was typing one of my stories earlier as I was trying to figure out why YouTube was acting up, I noticed that three specific keys I was using when I was typing, seemed to affect what I was doing when I worked on my stories. It was why that I was affecting what I was doing. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Report SonicBlitz18 · 235 views ·

Does anyone have this problem? · 9:06am Oct 31st, 2022

Microsoft Edge released a strange update and now I can't use YouTube without the video pausing and playing on me every second. I'm not even hitting anything, and it keeps doing that crap. Does anyone know how to fix this since I had to restart my laptop at least five times now. It's not just YouTube, even if it's linked from another site onto here, it's screwing it up. I can't watch anything apparently

Report SonicBlitz18 · 220 views ·