Spike x Crossover Character 27 members · 19 stories

This group dedicates to our favorite little dragon being shipped with characters outside of the MLP franchise.

Comments ( 11 )
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If you got any questions about the story I'll answer as much as I'll allow without spoiling too much for anyone.:twilightsmile:

I can't say when It'll be ready plus I got other projects I'd like to post first before that.:twilightsmile:
But let's just say this crossover is going to involve Spike with a particular set of girls. :raritywink: Here's a hint.

Well, it's your call. Though let me know when you put it up because I like to check it out. :twilightsmile:

I know, but I don't want to do that. I want to make clop scenes for the story for fun and not have to worry about the restrictions besides following certain guidelines. Plus I don't want to go back and rewrite everything I did for the doc and I really want to do sex scenes with the characters I have in mind too. :twilightsmile:

I see. Though, you could have the mature moments be sort of "offscreen" so to speak for Fimfiction. Just have Spike and any of the girls start making out, take off their clothes, and then cut the moment where they're about to "get it on" and go straight to the aftermath where they are just lying on the bed panting.

Wildcard25 managed to get away with this for some of his fics and I don't think it would hurt for you to try too. But if you don't wanna risk it, I understand completely.

I actually have a Spike x Crossover story, unfortunately I have it set up for Fanfiction where the characters are under 18 but still teenagers. I'm still working on it but not sure when the first couple of chapters will be done.

Hey thanks for the invite.:twilightsmile:

I was invited to be here and now feel the need to find a good Crossover character to ship with Spike

Yeah there are other characters from other shows who are single and such that Spike could be paired with

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